Siam Eastern Industrial Park's BOI privileges
- Corporate income tax exempt 8 years
- Corporate income tax 50% exempt for additional 5 years
- Machinery import tax exempt
- Tax exempt for raw materials for manufacturing of export products for 5 years
BOI’s new investment promotion policy is based on activities.
In order to obtain investment promotion, the BOI applicant shall follow the conditions prescribed by the Board of Investment.
BOI Basic Incentives General List of Activities Eligible for Investment Promotion
- A1 : Knowledge-based activities focusing on R&D and design to enhance the country’s competitiveness.
- A2 : Infrastructure activities for the country’s development, activities using advanced technology to create value added,with no or very few existing investments in Thailand.
- A3 : High technology activities which are important to the development of the country, with a few investments
already existing in Thailand. - A4 : Activities with lower technology than A1-A3 but which add value to domestic resources and strengthen the
supply chain. - B1 : Supporting industry that does not use high technology but is still important to the value chain.
- B2 : Supporting industry that does not use high technology but is still important to the value chain.
* Activities in Group B1 and Group B2 shall receive additional three-years corporate income tax exemption on the revenue in case of:
• In case of investment in automation or robotic system, the cap on corporate income tax exemption on the revenue of the project shall not exceed 50% of the investment capital (excluding cost of land and working capital).
• Investments in automation systems, the corporate income tax exemption cap will be raised to 100% of the investment excluding land cost and working capital if the value of linkages to the Thai automation industry reaches at least 30% of the total value of the automation system.
• Application is submitted by December 30, 2020
- Activities which support the development of targeted technology and have cooperation according to the conditions presented by the Board including activities 5.6, 7.11, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15 and 7.19
- Section 8: Technology and Innovation Development includes targeted core technology development such as development of biotechnology, nanotechnology, advanced materials technology and digital technology.

Merit on Industrail Area Development
Projects located within industrial estates or promoted industrial zones shall be granted one additional year of corporate income tax exemption.
General List of Activities Eligible for Investment Promotion on Industrial Area Development
- A3 : High technology activities which are important to the development of the country, with a few investments
already existing in Thailand. - A4 : Activities with lower technology than A1-A3 but which add value to domestic resources and strengthen the
supply chain. - Activities which support the development of targeted technology and have cooperation according to the
conditions presented by the Board including activities 5.6, 7.11, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15 and 7.19 - Section 8: Technology and Innovation Development includes targeted core technology development such as
development of biotechnology, nanotechnology, advanced materials technology and digital technology.

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